Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of exploring the best news you can ever hear, and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life. Over seven sessions in Mark’s Gospel, you can find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ. The structure of each session is simple: a welcome followed by a short Bible study, a video (about 15 mins in length) that's freely available to watch on YouTube, and then some follow-up conversation. Each session lasts no more than 1 hour.
The first session is an introduction and a taster for what follows. It's a great opportunity to give the course a try, with no obligation to come back for week two.
The course is interactive, but only as much as you want it to be. You can sit back and listen, or talk and ask questions - whatever you feel comfortable with.
We're providing two main ways to take part - both of them from the comfort of your own home:
The first option is to join us in a larger group on Zoom on Thursday evenings from 8pm, beginning on Thursday 7th May. Though not essential, we'd recommend coming with the Christian friend or family member who invited you - mainly because they're the best person to have more informal chats with later in the week if you'd like to discuss things more.
The benefits of joining the larger group are that there are other people there who are exploring Christianity for the first time too. They might ask questions that you'd love to hear the answers to. It can also be easier to just sit back, watch and listen in a bigger group.
(To join us on Zoom for the first session, just follow the link at the bottom of this email on Thursday evening.)
The second option is to do the course one on one with a Christian friend (or perhaps with a couple of mutual friends).
The benefits of this are you can do it at whatever time and day suits you. You may also find it a little more relational and informal, and it can be easier to ask questions and contribute to the conversation.
For either option, all you'll need is an internet connection to access the videos on YouTube, the small pdf handbook which we'll email to you, and an appropriate video calling app (Zoom for the big group; Skype, FaceTime or whatever you'd prefer for just meeting with a friend). The course is completely free.
You don't need to know anything about Christianity beforehand. You don't need to have ever attended a church service or opened a Bible before. You won't be put on the spot or asked to read anything aloud. This course really is for complete newcomers.
Finally, if you'd like to find out more about Christianity Explored before you decide, please visit or drop us an email at
We hope you can join us!
Zoom Invitation:
Topic: Christianity Explored - Introductory Session
Time: May 7, 2020 08:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 5838 8985
Password: 087238